Care to Learn Quest

Total Remaining Coins
Your Coins
Your XP XP
Total Remaining Coins
Your Coins
Your XP XP


How do I earn coins?

You will earn coins by doing the required Tasks of each Quest.

I encountered an error while doing the task, what should I do?

You can try reloading the page first if it will resolve the error or send us an email at so we can assist you.

The Quest is too difficult for me to finish, what should I do?

You can always come back to when you have the capacity to finish the tasks. Your progress will always be saved and can start where you last left off.

Complete Quest?

Completing this Quest will collect all the Coins and XPs from the finished tasks. Completed Quest cannot be worked on again to finish other pending tasks.

Complete Quest?

Please update your profile gender to complete this Quest.

Profile Verification

Enjoying so far? Help us improve your future experience here by verifying your profile now!

Verify my profile

Update Mobile Number

To proceed, please use a valid mobile number to receive this rewards.
Save Changes and Claim Reward

This quest is no longer available