Live S.T.R.O.N.G: A Student’s Guide To Life
Some people treat life as if they’re in the ocean onboard a boat without paddles, the waves in full control. Others treat it the way you would climb a mountain, there is no other way but up. Whether one is better than the other is anyone’s guess. But what we do know from countless stories passed on from generation to generation is the cliché saying that goes “it’s not about the destination, but the journey”. So really, the question is not how to look at life, but more along the lines of how to make sure the journey is worthwhile.
So how do we do that? There are a plethora of suggestions out there. Humans have grappled with the idea of living life to the fullest for as long as civilization has existed, after all! You can live in complete triviality by surrounding yourself with the mundane, or you can make a celebration out of every day like you’ve already won at life. How does one do that? Let us show you the ways:
1. An attitude of gratefulness.
As they say, the happiest people are grateful people. And no, it doesn’t mean ignoring one’s problems in life. It simply means that whenever there is anything to be thankful for, you take a second—maybe a minute or an hour—to say thank you. Whether to family, friends, yourself, God, or just the universe in general, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you recognize every good thing, be it small and big, that has sparked joy in your life. When you look back at all your struggles and difficulties in life and are grateful for where you are now, you tend to spend less time and energy comparing yourself to others and more time and energy to becoming a little less selfish just enough to allow yourself to be more empathetic to others.
2. Courage.
Fear tends to bring the worst out of people. It creates panic, defensiveness, and aggression. And more often than not, these reactions tend to hurt others more than they alleviate the stress it causes within yourself. And so, when you are faced with fear, take it by the hand and walk on ahead anyway. If you fear the ocean and choose to swim in it anyway, you win the freedom to be in it. If you fear people and connect with people anyway, you win the freedom of having relationships with others. And when you fear showing yourself and show yourself anyway, you win the freedom to be your true self. But if you fear and only fear, you will have won nothing in life at all.
3. A sense of community.
You can be expressive of your individuality without being self-absorbed. Having a sense of community means extending your sense of importance beyond your own so it may reach others. It means seeing others as an extension of yourself so that when others feel the need to talk, you listen to them the way you would want someone else to listen to you. That if help is needed, you offer a lending hand, a shoulder to cry on, or even a voice to speak for—because if it were you, you’d want the same thing. Empathy, compassion, kindness. Basically, the ingredients to the cocktails that are the perfect friend and neighbor. Belonging to a community means a certain level of selflessness. Not too much, just enough to recognize the needs of others, just enough to recognize that you must be that same friend and neighbor, and that what you offer to the world demands no return from the world.
Now this guide may not transform your life overnight, and that’s okay! Don’t worry about taking time to create a frame of mind that recognizes the good things in life, a mind that can override fear, and a heart generous enough to be of service to others. The least you can do is try. Sometimes, that’s all you need to do in a day!
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