5 Minimalist Study Setups to Inspire You

Even during lockdown, the grind never stops.
By now, you are probably head deep in online learning. With your days filled by staring at a computer during class and working on endless requirements, and your head exploding from all of the information you have to retain, chances are you feel exactly like this:
It’s safe to say that online learning has been a struggle for all of us. But here’s some good news – there is a way to make it a little less horrible. Much like any other place you go to, the environment you’re in can have a huge effect on your mood and ability to learn throughout the day. So if you want to improve your online learning experience, you have to create a study setup that puts you perfectly in the learning zone.
Online classes stuff our brains enough as is, so the last thing you need is more clutter and distractions around you. If you want to maintain that discipline and focus that online learning keeps demanding of you, you must clear out everything that you don’t need. To make your study space conducive to online learning, you have to make use of a minimalist setup.
The whole point of minimalism is that less is better. You want your study space to be as organized, de-cluttered and empty as possible so that you can focus on the work at hand. To give you a better idea of what this looks like, here are some of the main ideas behind a minimalist study space – put into action:

Whether you’re studying in school, in Starbucks, or at home, one thing never changes: the need for saksakan. Close proximity to power outlets is all the more important with online learning since you’ll be spending hours – if not the whole day – on your computer or using your tablet or phone.
If you don’t want your computer to die in the middle of class or before you finish saving your work, make sure your study space has easy access to a power outlet. The best case is having power outlets or USB charging ports connected directly to your study table. This way, you avoid tripping on wires or having to use extension cords, and you get to focus on your studies uninterrupted.
Adding natural light is one of the best things you can do for your study area. Research has shown that natural light can boost your mood, focus, and productivity. It also provides – literally! – a sight for sore eyes in between long study hours.
Try to situate your study space near a window or any natural light source, but make sure there’s nothing outside to keep distracting you. Not only does it help you save space that would otherwise be given to lamps and other light sources, but you get to improve your focus – and even your health as well – and we all know how important those are.
The primary purpose of your study space is to help you – obviously – study. So you want everything at the table to be dedicated exclusively to helping you get work done.
This means keeping only the absolute study essentials in your study space, like your laptop, notebook, textbooks, and a beverage to stay hydrated. This way, you have enough space to be comfortable and to put anything else you might need at the moment.
One of the pillars of minimalism is ergonomics, which is the idea that objects and work or living spaces should be designed in the way that is most efficient, comfortable, and healthy to use. This means that if you want to feel good – both physically and mentally – while at your study space, you better invest in some ergonomic furniture.
Some of the examples of ergonomic design include a chair that supports good posture and having your screen directly at eye level. Give ergonomic furniture a try, and you’ll be surprised at how much better your mood, focus, and productivity become when you’re doing your schoolwork.
Nothing more accurately sums up this school year than “pagod na pagod na ako.” Between lockdown, online classes, and general anxiety, it’s easy to just feel so drained of energy and motivation to accomplish anything.
But there is still work to be done, and you’ll need all the help you can get. Have some space in your study area dedicated to your “happy pills” – photos of your loved ones, inspirational quotes, dream boards, basically anything that will help you keep going. These should give you that much-needed extra push to stay strong this school year.
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