Who Is Your Safe Person?
Nothing compares to the feeling of being with the people you trust the most after a long day. You may have failed that quiz you’ve studied hard for, but your best friend promised to buy you ice cream to celebrate anyway. Your mom or dad listens to your rants about your sister with an open mind, carefully considering what your younger sister did to your drawing. Your grandparents make sure you come home to warm food and hugs, with extra helpings of sweets to make you smile. Your favorite teacher asks how you are after struggling during recitation, while your relatives check up on you every now and then despite living on the other side of the world.
There are so many people who probably love and care about you, but identifying who these people are isn’t always easy. If you’re one of those who seem lost, confused, and unable to talk much after a long day, allow us to help you out. Your safe person can come in a variety of forms, so take this quiz and find out!
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