Top Job Hunting Tips and Advice for International Students in Japan
The way to approach job-hunting for international students in Japan is the same as any other Japanese students would. The key point here is to get used to the Japanese style of recruitment practices.
At present, there are over 200,000 international students studying in Japan and the number of students who wish to find employment in Japan has been rising every year. What Japanese companies are looking for are quality international students who not only possess the same caliber as Japanese students, but also students who can serve as the bridge between Japan and their native countries. They are also looking for international students who can contribute internally to the companies.
Additionally, international students should also have an excellent command of the Japanese language i.e. passed N1 or N2 level in the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), possess outstanding English skills for business communication, as well as displaying a good understanding of the Japanese culture and their way of thinking.
Discover more tips international students need to know when applying for jobs in Japan at Waseda Weekly!
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